Publication Grants

NLHA has set aside funding specifically to help members, member societies and local historians publish their research work in local history. Funds of up to £200 can be provided on the basis of a grant, not a loan, subject only to the condition that NLHA’s contribution must be fully acknowledged within the publication and wherever the publication is advertised. We would expect the applicant to provide a copy (or significant extract for larger publications) for consideration and we reserve the right to reject applications where the standard of the work, the content or the presentation would harm the reputation of NLHA. Publications must relate to the general theme of Nottinghamshire local history.
This scheme is available to anyone carrying out research on local history within our region regardless of whether or not they are NLHA members. In the past we have supported:

Norwell Buildings by Norwell Local History Society
Its not what you know…’ Patronage Essays by Southwell and District Local History Society
John Bley of East Leake and London by East Leake and District Local History Society
City of Light by Chris Richardson
Southwell Settlers by Rob Smith for Southwell and District Local History Society
Everyday Life In East Leake – Vol 3 by East Leake and District Local History Society
No Surrender – Women’s Suffrage in Nottingham by Women’s History Group
Farnsfield to Rainworth by Philip Marsh
The Life and Work of William Martin by Alan Mallatratt
Blidworth in the First World War (Reprint) by Blidworth and District Local History Society
Miriam’s farm; the story of Haggs farm, the Chambers family and D H Lawrence by Haggs Farm Preservation Society
East Leake in the Great War by East Leake Local History Society
No Surrender! Women’s Suffrage in Nottinghamshire by Nottingham Women’s History Group
Farnsfield Methodist Chapel by Philip Marsh
Norwell in the Great War by Elizabeth Jones for Norwell Local History Society
Arnold’s Mighty Army by Andy McKinnon for Arnold Local History Society
The Irregular – Special Armistice Edition by Jeremy Lodge for Collingham Local History Society
Burton Joyce in the Great War by Steve Wright
Small Grants

We have also provided grant funding for activities other than publication. We have supported the provision of village heritage signs at Farnsfield, the establishment of a village museum and archive at Collingham, an exhibition on mining heritage and youth conferences, support for Rubber Goat Films and for the Newark Heritage Barge Trust, Kelham WW1 Commemoration display boards, the restoration and preservation of a copy of Sanderson’s map of Nottingham, and the Requiem for Coal project for Dave Amos and Mine2Minds.
Download a Publication Grants application form here
Download a Small Grants application form here