Exploring Nottinghamshire Writers by Rowena Edlin-White

ISBN: 9781910170366

200 pages

£12.99 available from Five Leaves Bookshop

Exploring Nottinghamshire Writers is a guide-book to the literary landscape of the region – three centuries and more of writers and the places that inspired them. This limited-edition case-bound book celebrates not only the obvious giants like Byron, Lawrence and Sillitoe, but dozens of others who were best-sellers in their day like Muriel Hine,  J.C. Snaith  and others whose stories had been forgotten.

There are more than a hundred Nottinghamshire authors who together contribute to the rich literary heritage which makes Nottinghamshire so special.

Rowena Edlin-White is an author and researcher specializing in women’s history.  Editor of ‘The Quill’: celebrating the life, travels & writing of Kate Douglas Wiggin (1856-1923) and her contemporaries. A member of Nottingham Women’s History Group currently giving presentations on women’s suffrage.