A 6 session pilot adult education course on local coalmining history. Eastwood Library (10am–12 Noon) and at Kirkby Library (1pm –3pm) starting on 24th September 2015 until 29th October 2015. Tuition fees apply £2.80 per hour or whole course £33.60. Free for people on means tested benefits. More information available from Dave Amos 01773760030 at home, mobile 07914373745 or david.amos99@ntlworld.com.
Course Programme is as follows;
1. 24th Sept Development of the Nottinghamshire Coalfield
2. 1st Oct Life in Nottinghamshire Coalmining Communities
3. 8th Oct Safety, Disasters & Rescue in the Nottinghamshire Coalfield
4. 15th Oct World War Two, Bevin Boys and Nationalisation (1939 – 1947)
5. 22nd Oct National Coal Board & British Coal Days (1947 – 1994)
6. 29th Oct Swansong and the End of an Era for Nottinghamshire Coalmining.
The course is funded by the Adult & Community Learning Services (ACLS) and ACLS tuition fees apply (£2.80 per hour – Whole Course £33.60) –Free for people on means tested benefits.
Work from the course can be included in the proposed book “After the Coalrush – Aspects of Nottinghamshire’s Coalmining History”
If you are interest in coming on the course drop Dave Amos a line (e-mail) or give him a buzz on either phone line. Enrolment will be at the first session.
David Amos
Heritage Consultant
Mine2Minds Education