Recording First World War sites in the UK for community groups
The Home Front Legacy 1914–18 project is supporting community groups researching local places associated with the Great War with an online toolkit and guidance for recording the remains of surviving sites, structures and buildings around Britain.
Coordinated by the Council for British Archaeology the Project is working with Historic Eng-land and partners across the UK to help local communities identify and map the remains of the First World War Home Front.
The Home Front Legacy website provides you with the tools, guidance and resources for you to carry out archaeological recording and submit your data to your local historic Environment Record and National Monuments Records. This collection of data is essential to enable our growth in knowledge and to inform future protection for sites.
They are inviting community group and individuals to get involved and we hope very much that the members of the Historical Association will take up the call from Home Front Legacy to use their expertise in this great project.
To help they are organising a series of regional day schools during the Autumn of 2015, you are invited to attend a day school, they are free and informative.
They have one planned for the East Midlands on the 3 October at Bingham near Nottingham.
You can find the full programme and booking details on the web site