Miriam’s Farm: The story of Haggs farm, the Chambers family and D.H. Lawrence

Published by The Haggs Farm Preservation Society with support from the D.H. Lawrence Society and NOTTINGHAMSHIRE LOCAL HISTORY ASSOCIATION

 Book price  £8.50 ( + £1.50 P and P)

Copies on sale at D.H.Lawrence Birthplace Museum, Eastwood, Local Studies Library, Angel Row, Nottingham and Lowdham Bookcase. For postal sales please send cheque, payable to ‘Haggs Farm Preservation Society’ to Brian Rich, 11 Adams Grove, Leek ST13  8NX. Tel:01538384713; email: brianrich457@btinternet.com

D.H. Lawrence found in Haggs farm, the people who lived there and the surrounding countryside his ‘first incentive to write.’ The essays in the book deal with that relationship, the history of the farm and various aspects of the life of the Chambers family, particularly Jessie ‘ D.H. Lawrence’s Princess’.