Munitionettes beer – come to our launch

Dayschool pictureFrom Nottingham Women’s History Group.

Castle Brewery are producing a beer called Munionettes’ in honour of women munition workers. It’s a great opportunity for publicity about these women, and the Nottingham Women’s History Group so this is a call out for women to join us for the brewing.

The beer is being brewed on Wednesday 2nd September in the morning.

Castle Rock would like as many women as possible for a photograph of the event – it seems “We only use the female hop in beer” The shoot will be around 9.30am at the Vat & Fiddle (12 Queensbridge Rd, Nottingham NG2 1NB) no more than an hour

Anyone interest in coming along either email the group, or ring Val 07930406631 – don’t ring Mo – she’s in the Lakes!
Nottingham Women’s History Group