“…shards of personal memory, fragments of autobiography”

Try your hand at writing.

Scribe your story.

Tell your tales of travels at home or abroad!

Everyone can write!

Language is important but the emotion behind the words is most important. A good writer does not have to speak or write in the Queen’s English. Patois, local slang, street speech are all just as valid and often more relatable. Tell your story and just write!

You are invited to attend the exhibition free everyday (Monday to Friday 8:30am-7:00pm, Saturday 9:00am-4:00pm, Sunday Closed) drop in anytime during the day from Monday 9th October – Tuesday 31st October 2017 at Nottingham Central Library, Angel Row, Nottingham, NG1 6HP, Tel- 0115 915 2828/0746 918 955

There are regular workshops and an advisor on hand to help you and a special writers workshop led by Nottingham Trent University and Leicester University Friday 20th 10:00am- 5:00 pm plus weekly story telling from the famed Madge Spencer.

Choose how to tell your travel tales. Consider poetry, fiction and non-fiction formats. You never know your story may make it into our new book on Travel Writing. We are encouraging people to share their stories whether it be of a physical journey, of overcoming adversity, of getting that job or promotion you worked so hard for, or moving from your home country to the UK. Put pen to paper. You don’t have to write pages, try a list poem, a tweet poem a piece of prose etc. Writing is your right!

For more information, please contact- Lynda-Louise Burrell Creative Director- Museumand, The National Caribbean Heritage Museum
Tel: 0746 918 9550 Email: hello@museumand.org

Museumand, The National Caribbean Heritage Museum formerly known as The SKN Heritage Museum.Is a social history museum, “Celebrating and commemorating the Caribbean contribution to the UK”. Our exhibitions and events celebrate the lives and experiences of ordinary people, in a way that all people can recognise and embrace. We are dedicated to preserving Caribbean history, heritage and culture in original and unusual ways, and are fast becoming known for our innovative exhibition events. We encourage visitors to get involved or tell your story? We are a museum “without walls” in all senses (literally and figuratively) and a
community museum where we take the museum experience out to communities that are not traditional museum


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