CAAG & KDLHS Census event: “Education in Keyworth”

A big “thank you” to all who contributed to the success of the CA Census event “Education in Keyworth” in the Centenary Lounge on Saturday 25th November 2017, including the thirty or so people who came in to see the exhibition: some promised to contact us again in order to record their mementoes, photographs and reminiscences of village life.  Please do!

We opened at 11am (a little earlier than billed) by invitation of the organisers of the Christmas Fair, in the adjacent Village Hall.

Keyworth and District Local History Society members provided a bookstall of publications and cards, and refreshments (mince pies, biscuits, tea, coffee) for a small charge.

The development of education in our village from as early as the 1870s was reflected in displays of photographs documents and artefacts previously donated, and those loaned for the day: from Playgroup, through the formal education in all of our schools, (depicted in albums kept by staff, now retired, who still live in the village) to the establishment of Mary Ward College, and items relating to life-long learning offered by K&DU3A, personal reminiscences were contributed from as far afield as Australia.

We are able to scan photographs directly to the electronic archive.  The rolling picture gallery (now a regular attraction) has been recently expanded by village archivist Dave Clarke, to include many education related images.  Some albums were loaned temporarily for scanning and prompt return to the owner.  Scores of photographs have been added to the record; being able to do them on the day really helps us add precious material to the historical record.

Several younger people were thrilled to see the Playgroup and Junior Schools pictures; we are always looking to add to our archive record, so if you missed it, or have anything you would like us to share, please

contact the archivist directly:

see the KDLHS website: and

The next CA Census event (Saturday 17th February 2018) will feature “Farms, Barns and associated rural buildings”, and a display feature on the Harry Johnson Award, Wright’s Place (our next Blue Plaque).

I hope you will be able to come along.

Sheila Barton CAAG and KDLHS