Discover Your Nottingham with Chris Weir

Did you know Nottingham was once divided into a French and English Borough? Or that Nottingham once had a Blowbladder Street!? Local Historian and author Chris Weir will peel back the layers of history to reveal how Nottingham’s past has influenced the present and along the way we will discover characters like the firebrand Fergus O’Connor who was guaranteed to stir up the crowds in the Market Place in support of Chartism. Using maps, old photographs and the ‘gentle art’ of walking the group will explore Nottingham’s urban explosion. Including how the Lace Market developed, the fight for parks and gardens, the growth of the city’s inner suburbs, like Forest Fields…… and how the people of Nottingham fell in love with shopping and having a bit of fun!

  • Talk/Workshop: Thursday 7th September 2017 6:30 – 8:30pm at THINK, Cobden Chambers, Pelham Street, Nottingham NG1 2ED How Nottingham developed from a medieval settlement to a modern city. Fee – £6.00 (All fees non-refundable, all payable in advance).
  • Heritage Walk 1: (Old Market Square to Sneinton Market): Saturday 23rd September 2017 10:30am – 12:30pm Meet at the Left Lion, Old Market Square, Nottingham. A Walking tour to Sneinton Market, visiting Hockley, the first Boots Store, Victoria Baths, Victoria Park. The Board School, William Booth Memorial Hall. Returning to Market Square. (1.5 Miles) Fee – £5.00
  • Heritage Walk 2: (The Forest and Forest Fields): Sunday 29th October 2017 10:30am – 12:30pm Meet in front of the Forest Pavilion. Discover how the Forest became home for horse racing, cricket and suffragette protests and how the streets and industries of Forest Fields developed. (1.5 miles) Fee – £5.00 Students can book any and all of these

Fees for any further talks/workshops and series of heritage walks will be at the usual WEA rates (£3.85/hour). Interested? Then send your fees, indicating for which you are booking, and contact details to WEA Nottingham Branch, 39 Mapperley Road, Nottingham NG3 5AQ. Please make cheques payable to: WEA Nottingham Branch.

Tel: 01949 837 566


Further information at –

Students are responsible for their own safety when on the Heritage walks