Financial Support

Did you know that both The Thoroton Society and NLHA offer financial support to encourage research in local history and archaeology in Nottinghamshire?

Geoffrey Bond Research Awards

Geoffrey Bond, a life member of the Thoroton Society, has kindly provided funds to underwrite research into the history and archaeology of the county of Nottinghamshire.

Awards totalling £1000 are available annually.

Terms and Conditions

1. Anyone, or any group, currently researching the history or archaeology of Nottinghamshire is invited to apply for financial support from the fund. Applicants, whether individuals or groups are limited to one award per year but are not prohibited from applying for awards in successive years.

2. What the money can be used for?

i. The money can be used to support research into any topic relating to the history or archaeology of the county. This may include the acquisition of research resources, including books and photography/photocopying, and travel expenses. Applications are also welcome from individuals or groups currently working up a project on Nottinghamshire especially where some financial support will lead to an application to, for example, the Heritage Lottery Fund, research councils (RCUK), or research charities such as the Leverhulme Trust.

ii. Awards will not be made towards the payment of fees (as in the form of fees to a university for registering for a doctoral programme, or groups wanting to employ someone, or for subventions towards the cost of publication. [Note that the Nottinghamshire Local History Association has awards for this purpose.]

3. Applications.

i. Anyone wishing to apply to the fund for support must do so on or before 1 September 2015. [NB that this date is likely to change in subsequent years.]

ii. The application should take the form of a statement (maximum 2 pages A4) outlining the nature of the research being undertaken, plans for dissemination of the research (including by publication) and the way in which it is intended to use the award. The total sum applied for should be clearly stated.

iii. Applicants should include an indicative budget under appropriate headings (i.e. travel, reprographics, readers’ fees, subsistence etc).

iv. Applicants should also include a one-page (A4) curriculum vitae in the case of an individual, statement of purpose in the case of a group.

v. Applications should be submitted by e-mail to the honorary secretary [].

Decisions will be taken by a committee of the society’s Council by 30 September. Any money awarded will normally be paid by BACS transfer or society cheque on the presentation of receipts, although an upfront payment may be made in exceptional circumstances such as, for example, pre-booked travel. The grant recipient will be responsible for guaranteeing the appropriate use of the funds. It is a condition of the award that receipts are kept (for auditing purposes) and that an account of expenditure is returned at the end of the award period.

4. What will be expected of the recipient?

i) All activity associated with the award should be completed within one year (i.e. 30 September following the award), at which point a short report (maximum 2 sides A4) should be submitted, outlining the work undertaken, its outcomes, plans for dissemination (including publication) and an account of expenditure accompanied by supporting receipts.

ii. Award recipients will be expected to write a short article about their research project for an edition of the Society’s quarterly newsletter, and will be encouraged to write up some or all of their research for possible inclusion in the Society’s annual volume of Transactions or its online Heritage Gateway. Receipt of an award does not guarantee publication, which is subject to the usual editorial processes. Recipients may also be invited to contribute to the Society’s annual lecture programme.

5. Award recipients should acknowledge their award in any future publications or outputs from the research.

6. In the event of award recipients being unable to undertake the work for which financial support was granted, the award will be withdrawn.

NLHA Publications Fund

Awards totalling £200 are available annually.

1. Funds are provided on the basis of a grant not  loan.

2. Applicants must provide a copy (or significant extract for larger publications) for consideration and NLHA reserves the right to reject applications where the standard of the work, the content or the presentation would harm the reputation of NLHA.

3. Publications must relate to the general theme of Nottinghamshire local history.

4. NLHA contribution must be fully acknowledged within the publication and wherever the publication is advertised.

John Bley Cover

Norwell Cover



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