The Limestone Journey


Whitwell, Derbyshire

“The Limestone Journey” under the auspices of Creswell Crags Museum, has sponsored a project undertaken by the members of the Whitwell Local History Group.  This involves the copying, processing, naming, tagging of 35mm slides from the Group’s archives.  About 1187 items have so far been loaded on to flikr, which is about the half-way point of the whole project.  It is a motley collection of material, but covers a wide range of subject matter, and contains many gems from the 1890’s to the present.  Many of these pictures should be of interest to Nottinghamshire too.

There are 49 albums so far and can be viewed at

In order to maximise the usefulness and exposure of the material, our archivist has given the majority of images the following Creative Commons licensing: Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives (by-nc-nd).  Further information –

Most of the material has either been donated, with sharing in mind, or the original material is old enough for copyright to have expired.  We, at the Whitwell Local History Group, hope that the wider audience will enjoy looking at the photos.