Mary Ward College of Education, Keyworth by Howard Fisher

Howard’s new book tells the story of the teacher training establishment, founded and operated by the Loreto Sisters, on Nicker Hill in Keyworth (now the site of the British Geological Society). Built in 1968 and opened by Princess Anne in June 1970 it was closed in 1977 due to changes in Government education policy.

The restoration of the Memorial Gates to the Rectory Field at Keyworth was made possible by a donation from the Sisters of Loreto to commemorate their stay in Keyworth between 1968 and 1977.

The book is available from Keyworth Local History Society for £7.00 plus £2.50 package and postage; the best way to get a copy is to access the society website

and then navigate your way through Society Activities to Contacts  where you can then use the contacts form at the bottom of the page to make an enquiry about obtaining a copy of the book.


13 thoughts on “Mary Ward College of Education, Keyworth by Howard Fisher

  1. Brenda Graham

    I have just heard about this book and as a student who entered Mary Ward College in its first year I would be extremely interested in buying one. Could you please inform me as to how I can go about obtaining a copy?

        1. John Parker

          Hello Anne, thank you for your email, I will forward contact details for Howard Fisher and information about how you can obtain the book


  2. Elaine Whiting

    I am very interested in the new book about Mary Ward College Keyworth as I was a student there from 1969 – 1972. I would be pleased to receive details of how I may obtain a copy of the book.

    1. John Parker

      Hello Elaine, I have passed your enquiry on to Howard Fisher who will get in touch with you directly.


  3. Nancy Hegarty

    Hi John, I also would like a copy of Howard’s book. I was a student there from 1969 to1972. We received an excellent training. Nancy O’Donnell Hegarty

    1. John Parker

      Hello Nancy, I have passed on your request to Howard Fisher, I’m sure that he will be in touch with you soon.

    1. John Parker

      Hello Teresa, I have passed on your request to Howard Fisher who will contact you directly.

  4. Hugh Owen

    Was Mary Ward college based at Egham Surrey from 1967 until 1968? I was a student at Shoreditch College in 1967 until 1970 and recall female students visiting Shoreditch for part of their course.

    1. John Parker

      Hello Hugh, I have passed your query on to Howard Fisher, I’m sure that he will respond directly.

  5. Mrs Deirdre Flynn

    Hello , I studied there ( after a fashion) from 1969 to 1972.. I would be interested in purchasing a copy of this book.
    Thank you


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