Midland History Essay Prize 2017

The Midland History Essay Prize worth £400 is offered in 2017 for the best essay submitted on an historical subject relating to midland England. Candidates must not, at the date of submission, have published a book or an article in a major journal. The essay must be a genuine work of original research, not hitherto published or accepted for publication, and must reach the required standard. The text should not exceed 8,000 words. Candidates must consult the style sheet of Midland History, available from the Editor and must submit their choice of subject to the editor for approval before sending their essays. Essays must reach the Editor of Midland History by 31 October 2017. The winning essay, and others judged meritorious, will be published in Midland History.

The Editor Midland History Department of History University of Birmingham, B15 2TT United Kingdom Email: R.P.Cust@bham.ac.uk

The aim of Midland History is to publish articles on local issues relating to the history of the midland counties which throw light on general historical developments and problems.