Newcomen Society South Yorkshire

A new branch of the Newcomen Society has recently been formed to cover the Yorkshire / Lincolnshire / Nottinghamshire / Derbyshire region  and will meet at Kelham Island Industrial Museum in Sheffield.

newcomen-logoBased in London but with branches across the country the Newcomen Society, as the world’s foremost group for the history of engineering and technology, offers an extensive and lively lecture series, publishes the leading journal in the field and a quarterly newsletter for members.

The Society covers all aspects of the history of technology and engineering from Roman aqueducts to Cold-War weapons, from railway and canal history through to modern engines, computers and aircraft. Meetings which are free and open to all are a focus for spirited discussion and a chance to hear some great speakers.

The Society would be very pleased to welcome members of other Societies who can join us at the inaugural lecture on the 23rd January 2017 when Deborah Jaffe will be speaking on:- Frank Hornby and mechanical toys – Britain, Germany and the USA, 1880- 1950. This will be followed on the 21st February by a joint meeting with the Sheffield Metallurgical and Engineering Association, the Ken Barraclough Lecture when, Professor Lord Mair will speak on:- Brunels’ Thames Tunnel – a Great Legacy to Modern Tunnelling. Robert Mair is Professor of Civil Engineering at Cambridge and his extremely interesting talk will discuss some of the tunnelling and geotechnical challenges encountered in the driving the Cross Rail Tunnels under central London. (Please note this meeting will be held at the Royal Victoria Hotel.) On the 13th March David Perrett, one of the leading experts on early steam engineers, will speak on:- Henry Ford’s Holiday – Collecting British steam engines in 1928, while on the 24th April Professor Barry Chambers will bring us fully up-to-date with modern technology in his talk on:- Stealth – its history and technology.

Kelham Island Industrial Museum is on the northern side of Sheffield City Centre some 15 minutes walk from the railway station, it is accessible by public transport and has on-site and nearby free parking for some 40 cars. Full details can be found at:-

There are a number of pubs and restaurants near to the Museum which serve excellent food and beer.

For information the officers of the new committee and key contact details are:-

David Eaton – Chair –
John Suter – Meeting Secretary –