Nottingham’s Historic Green Spaces, Programme of Events

NG-spaces Nottingham’s Historic Green Spaces Project is arranging a series of events that will happen over the summer. Some are for adults and some for children, and some suitable for all ages. We hope that everyone will find something to their taste and will join us at least once. Please put these dates in your diary.

Poetry Writing Competition

This is open to anyone who lives, works or studies in Nottinghamshire. We’re looking for lively original poems about Nottingham’s Historic Green Spaces. There will be cash prizes for the best three, and another seven will be ‘commended’.   All ten poems will be included in the Nottingham’s Historic Green Spaces Exhibition in the Local Studies Library, Angel Row. It is also anticipated that they will feature in a small publication about the Green Spaces project to be published in collaboration with Nottinghamshire Local History Association.A Brief for the competition, together with Terms and Conditions, Entry Form and other information is now available on the Project’s website The competition ends on 1 August 2016.

Breathing Spaces

Breathing Spaces is a community play, specially commissioned for the Historic Green Spaces project.  It is written by Andy Barrett, Artistic Director of Excavate and will be performed by community actors and members of the Friends groups and other organisations associated with the project.  It is based on the research done by the academic project team and the community partners during the original ‘The Social World of Nottingham’s Historic Green Spaces’ project (2013-14).

In 1845 Nottingham was changed forever as land was enclosed and the city finally began to expand after years of overcrowding, death and disease. And as a part of this transformation the ‘green lungs’ of Nottingham were created – a series of walks and parks that remain in place today.

Come and find out more about this historical moment, and of the ways that these Nottingham parks have been used throughout the ages in a lively new promenade performance that will take you on a journey through these last remnants of Nottingham’s common land. With live music, unexpected encounters, and a host of characters from across the ages, this highly visual performance lasts around 70 minutes, is suitable for all, and is free. Simply turn up on the day.

Performance Dates:

16 July 2016:   Queen’s Walk Recreation Ground (noon)

17 July 2016:   The Forest (noon) and Victoria Park (4:30pm)

24 July 2016:   The Arboretum (noon and 4pm)

Details of where the performances will start can be found on the website

Victorian Children’s Games

The Victorian Children’s Games sessions are being led by Hands on Our History They will give 21st century children the opportunity to experience, hands-on, the toys and games used by their great, great, great, (and possibly great) grandparents.   They are suitable for children from the age of 5-13, who must be accompanied by an adult.

Dates and places

16 July 2016: Queen’s Walk Recreation Ground, by the Pavilion

24 July 2016: The Arboretum, the Aviary by the Lake

16 August 2016: Local Studies Library, 1st Floor, Central Library, Angel Row

They will all start at 2pm. Look out for Peter in his Victorian Schoolmaster’s Costume.

Children’s Discovery Trail around the Arboretum

The Arboretum was always intended to be a place to explore and make new discoveries – especially to enjoy trees from around the world, flowers, and exotic birds – as well as reminders of some of the people and events important to the City and further afield.

This trail will take children (and their parents) around the Arboretum and help them to discover some of its wonderful surroundings, just as their grandparents and great grandparents would have done.

It is suitable for children aged 5-13 (who must be accompanied by an adult). Everyone who completes the trail will receive a certificate and a present.

Time: 12 noon onwards (ends 4 pm)

Starting point: The Aviaries by the Lake.

The Social World of Nottingham’s Historic Green Spaces Exhibition

August 2016, 1st Floor, Local Studies Library, Angel Row

This Exhibition will explore some of the history and heritage associated with Nottingham’s Historic Green Spaces and also highlight some of the 2016 project events. There will also be a series of afternoon talks. Details will be published on the website soon.

Check our website for further details or come to see us at the History and Archaeology Day, Lakeside – 9 July 2016, 12 noon onwards.