Partnership Opportunities with Nottingham Industrial Museum

Nottingham Industrial Museum is looking to build partnerships with other local community based Clubs and Societies.

If you do not know the Museum, it is located in Wollaton Park and has a wide variety of Historical Artefacts, relating to lace making, transport, and historic engines, including the Basford Beam Engine from 1858. Most of the engines are run on the last weekend of each month.

The museum is interested in co-operating with clubs or societies that could arrange performances, demonstrations or hands-on activities for museum visitors, as well as static displays. The museum could jointly publicise the events and provide you with indoor and/or outdoor space, the hope is that this would raise public awareness of both parties.

The museum would also be interested in hearing from any groups or individuals who would like to carry out research on the exhibits, or help to operate and maintain them.

The museum is currently planning their events Calendar for 2019 and has nothing booked for the 1st weekend of each month, so this would be the ideal time. However, if this is not convenient then the museum can be flexible.

If you are interested, please reply to Peter Griffin in the first instance

Best wishes for a Happy New Year,

Peter Griffin, Technical Director, Nottingham Industrial Museum, Wollaton Hall and Deer Park, Nottingham, NG8 2AE

Registered Charity Number: 1167388

Registered Company Number: 09679802