Thoresby Colliery Exhibition – The End of an Era

Thoresby Colliery Exhibition at Edwinstowe Library 21st Sept 2015On 21st September at Edwinstowe Library many former miners were reunited sharing memories with workmates (including 5 former managers).

Former members of Thoresby Colliery Band Edwinstowe Library 21st Sept 2015

Former members of Thoresby Colliery Band

The opening of Edwinstowe Historical Society’s exhibition celebrating 100 years of Thoresby Colliery was accompanied by former members of Thoresby Colliery Brass Band led by Stan Lippeatt.

Photographic displays from sinking of the Colliery and building the colliery village cover many aspects, from work at the coal face and on the surface including the Medical Centre, to St Johns Ambulance, the Pit Trip, the Band, Cricket, Football and Bowls, and the retired miner’s annual tea at the Welfare Hall.

Shirley Moore receiving a picture of Thoresby Colliery on behalf of Edwinstowe Historical Society from David Betts former Colliery Manager

Shirley Moore receiving a picture of Thoresby Colliery on behalf of Edwinstowe Historical Society from David Betts former Colliery Manager

Ken Fidler, Bob Hallam, Derek Main, David Betts, Terry Wheatley, former Colliery Managers

Ken Fidler, Bob Hallam, Derek Main, David Betts, Terry Wheatley, former Colliery Managers

Supported by The Heritage Lottery Fund the exhibition ran until 31st October during normal Library opening hours.

Edwinstowe Historical Society welcomes memories, photographs and other items related to the colliery.

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