David Amos is running a short railway history course, Railways in the Nottinghamshire Coalfield, at Eastwood and Sutton-in-Ashfield Libraries, on Tuesdays, starting on 5th April 2016 and running for 7 weeks through to 17th May 2016. Sessions will take place at Eastwood Library in the mornings (10am – 12 Noon) and are repeated in the afternoon at Sutton-in-Ashfield Library (1.30pm – 3.30pm).
The course is funded by the Community Learning and Skills Sector (CLASS) and course fees are £5.60 per session, £39.20 for the whole course, or free to people on certain means tested benefits. Places on the course are limited so early booking is advised.
To book a place on the course please contact David Amos Tel: 01773 760030, mobile: 07914373745, E-mail: david.amos99@ntlworld.com
or Maxine Murray at CLASS on (07976) 231564.
more information and on-line booking is available at