Brian Binns

Brian Binns

Brian Binns

Brian Binns is a Nottingham born amateur genealogist who through his researches has developed talks about two of his ancestors which have a far wider and overall Nottinghamshire appeal.

The story of Brian’s entrepreneurial grandfather involves tales of libel, death threats and other legal scrapes; but also highlights a previously undiscovered major social problem in Nottingham in the mid-war years. It ends with developments at Nottingham by the sea and is littered with lots of local references and filled with irreverent humour.

The account of the Campion family is in itself a history of industrial growth in Nottingham from the 1850s through to the 1950s and rightly places this little-known hosiery machine, cycle and motor cycle manufacturer amongst the more familiar Nottingham names. Individual members of the Campion family were themselves very important locally.

Charges for talks will fit in with local society rates – Brian really just enjoys getting his message out there and can fit in with last-minute requests. Contact on

2 thoughts on “Brian Binns

  1. Liz Summerhayes

    Just googled Binns in Nottinghamshire who potentially would be my relatives! Found your site. Any relationship to Kenneth Binns, or Thomas Binns or the Lincolnshire family who had shops? My grandfather’s sister Ada Martin married Bernard Binns. When I was in the UK in July there was a Binns ( forgot to make a note on the first name) who was involved in the East Anglian health district/Authority?. Any links would be appreciated, thanks so much, Liz (Henderson) Summerhayes

    1. John Parker

      Hello Liz,
      Thank you for your query which I have forwarded on to Brian Binns, I’m sure that he will be in contact with you directly.


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